Glory to God? The cyberworld is alive and well..."seeking whom he may devour...,". Christians don't have to worry about the world's rejection. We are doing it to ourselves. Where are the psalms and holy kisses of greeting? Where is the dwelling on that which is good?
The billboard reads: "DON'T MAKE ME COME DOWN THERE," God. Pardon my ignorance, but didn't He already do that?
Blessed are those who are persecuted for my name's sake," the Savior said. Historically, persecution of the church increased its size and ultimately its influence. But a "house divided against itself cannot stand." Can we apply the "Bride" herself here? I don't know, you theological scholars let me know.
We have no control over what others think or feel about us. We can only control what we think about ourselves and how we react to them.
We may consider reasons for another's rejection of our personality, opinions, beliefs or purpose--but to dwell on those reasons serves no purpose. By no means does one individual's dislike or opinion of us determine our self-worth or value. To give more than a few moments introspective analysis to the why of rejection is malignant thinking. It will eat away at one's self esteem like a cancer. When we wade into that stream of thought we soon squirm in imaginary quicksand of another's shallow words or insensitive actions. We literally give control of ourselves to another. We must decide whether we will rise above the onslaughts of criticisms, cold shoulders, snubbed noses and closed doors.
Our significance is in existence. God created us. US. We are His ambassadors.
We must lay hold of that fact and walk on. Reject rejection--give it no license to thought. In doing so, its power is weakened and its stranglehold severed. Never wallow in the residue of negativity; its stench will cling and follow wherever you go. Selfpity will invade your pores and breed hopelessness. Like a parasite, it will suck the lifeblood of progress.
WHAT MATTERS is that we accept rejection for what it is worth and treat it as it would treat us--without a second thought.[copyrighted]
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