Sunday, October 22, 2006


Ever had to eat your words? It’s kinda like squeezing out too much toothpaste. What do ya do with it after it’s out?

Mama use to say, “if ya can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.” Enduring wisdom in that old adage. Growing up I often ignored mama’s instructions. I wanted to tell people off who I knew intentionally meant to hurt me. But mama would smile and say, “you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” Forty years ago that sounded simple; today I give pause to it.

I mean, I don’t much like flies. I rather abhor the pesky little things. Just think what they breed! Given that fact, I learned not to take all words literally. I learned to understand the intent of mama’s words.

I think whatever we say brings its own reward. Kind words breed kind reactions and often, positive responses. Soft answers turn away wrath. A word fitly spoken at the proper time uplifts, encourages and inspires. It doesn’t take a lot of words to accomplish this. Please. Thank you. Great job. Hello. Excuse me. I’m sorry. Will you forgive me? I love you.

Definitely a bunch of power in words, doncha think? You’ve probably said those things at times. Maybe some have been said to you. How’d you feel? I think I feel just as good, if not better, when I use those words than when I hear those words.

Mama also said, “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Now, I think that’s plain wrong. I know people filling up counselors’ offices, filing divorce papers, dividing churches, and killing people over words.
Words can be damaging. They can echo in the minds of people till they die. Once spoken (or written), they can impact, edify or destroy.

WHAT MATTERS is that we choose our words wisely. And perhaps instead of being so quick to spit them out, we oughta try swallowing a few.


Blogger snoopy said...

cooL blog.

9:36 PM  
Blogger SelahV said...

thanks snoopy! selahV

9:59 PM  
Blogger peter lumpkins said...


I think you, perhaps without knowing it, my SelhaV, have touched on a hermeneutical principle that, because followed consistently or inconsistently, splits denominations apart and brings more misunderstanding to Biblical thinking than perhaps any other single thing.

Wow! Bet you did not realize you'd get such a mouthful of words.

Here is what I mean: Jesus says "I am the door". Words mean something but intent trumps words, does it not?.

Thus, not what did Jesus say, but what did Jesus mean? Was He a 6' x 3' block of particle board--door knob and all-- or the entrance way to eternal bliss in our Father's Kingdom?

B.B.Warfield once wrote "What Scripture says, God says." True. More appropriately, however, and according to SelahV, "What Scripture means, God means".

Great post. Grace today. With that, I am...


7:35 AM  
Blogger SelahV said...

Peter: Wow! Didn't know I was so smart! That is smart, isn't it? I guess that is a matter of debate too. LOL. Funny, whenever I've thought of Jesus and him saying he was the Door. I just thought of Him, himself, being the entranceway into Heaven and all its glory. Into the presence of God. I didn't intentionally, mean to be smart. HA! selahV

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another great post Selah!

Thanks for writing back to me. I'm sorry to hear you didn't get more response on your Do you know who wrote this post. Perhaps you will once your blog becomes more well known.

I found you through Peter Lumpkins blogsite..and I found him through...founders I's amazing what you can find by following link after link after link...

I've been very blessed by Peter's blog. I've been struggling with trying to understand this "calvinism" thing. I have some dear friends that are very caught up in it, and I'll be directing them to Peter's blog. Maybe they will read him and find the truth there. He is very good at explaining things without so much technicality stuff you can't understand it! The calvinists keep my head spinning although my heart says NO, all they are teaching isn't right.

I'll keep reading your blogs, and I'll link to you whenever I get to the links part....which may not be for awhile....I'm pretty slow on this blog set up stuff....LOL

With a big hug,

3:15 PM  
Blogger SelahV said...

Dearest Rose: Rose was my biological mother's name. Well, actually only half of it. Rosemarie was her whole first name. She was from France. Daddy met her during World War II after he'd been taken prison of war following Operation Torch in Oran. He was among 126 survivors of ships that took the lives of over a thousand men in one night. Why am I going on about that? Cause I don't know a blame thing about Calvinism either. Not anything I could point to(yes, 5 point pun intended). Personally I believe in only three points: The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. That about sums up what I know about that. You refer to Peter. He's the new strawman. Anything to divert attention from the real issues, I guess. I got me one of those TIDE pens that clean off spots, though. I'm gonna send it over to a few folks I know and see if it don't brighten up their outlook on a few things.

I know this may sound like gibberish, dear sweet innocent Rose, but I can't speak in tongues yet, though I've prayed for that gift many times. Haven't a clue what I'd do with it, but don't wanna miss out on anything the Holy Spirit delivers. I can't speak Spanish either. And Lord knows I need to learn, given all the wonderful folks coming in from our Southern border.

Now that I have you absolutely thoroughly confused, let me say this. There's a lot of very patient tolerant Calvinists who will try their best to answer your questions on their beliefs. But the only ones I've found have been on Peter's site. And though I've posted to others, they don't write back. My best advice is to keep visiting Pete's site. Read some of the volumes and volumes of suggested reading. Then when ya have a question, just jump right in and ask it. Someone is always ready to answer. Unless they have something they have to hide, or hide behind. don't fall prey to answering their questions to your questions. Often you'll just get more questions and no answers. And sometimes you'll be told you are talking about imaginary strawmen or chasing red herrings. God bless you and your photography. You have a true gift...there. Maybe we'll team up some day. I have an idea for a book. Grace be yours, SelahV

9:47 PM  
Blogger SelahV said...

Peter: since I came up with that hermen thing, think I oughta copyright it? Ha! Well, I'm going to bed. Gotta research a bunch of stuff tomorrow. It's gonna be my beautiful granddaughter's First Anniversary. God bless them! They are literally living in the North Pole. Alaska is getting a bit nippy these days. So are some of the bloggers. what can I say? I'm trying to play nice. selahV

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Selah,

Hey, I'd love to team up with you on writing a book. :) I have a few ideas myself..LOL. Seriously, thank you for your kind compliments on my photography. I have had a few others say the same thing...maybe the Lord is trying to tell me something....of course He always is :) sometimes I'm hard of hearing. :) Praise His Name, He is so patient with me.

That is interesting about your son would love to hear the whole story or read the book if you write one. :) He loves to talk to men about their experiences in the war.

Rose is a family name, so I thought it would be appropriate to use in my blogging endeavors.

I'll keep the advice on calvinists in mind, and of course I'll keep reading Peter's blog. I pray he continues to write and help us in our understanding of the truth.

Hugs and blessings to you Selah.

9:32 AM  
Blogger SelahV said...

ThisIsTheDay: Tell your son to look up Operation Torch. It's was one of our country's and military's dumbest operations. I wrote an article in my newspaper years ago about how my Navy dad saved an Army soldier's life on that fateful night. It's sad to say my daddy didn't get no medal of honor for being who he was...a hero. But his reward will be much greater soon. He is breathing his last breaths this side of eternity as I write. He is being kept alive via modern medicine and technology. Though in my heart I know he is still on this eart for a much higher purpose that only the Lord knows.

Daddy suffers greatly. His body is about 89% shut down...he functions with a heart operating at less than 12%. He's blind. His senses have been reduced to hearing and touch. All he tastes is blood as a result of blood thinners to keep his heart pumping to his ballooned legs and feet. He us held hostage to his health and is a prisoner of this earthly war now. He's imprisoned in a nursing facility in Elizabethton, Tennessee. Ironically, the facility is called Lifecare of Elizabethton. I suppose it's so named because they care so much about every last breath of every patient they have there.

God be praised for daddy's love in the Triune God. If not for daddy praying for me many years ago, I'd have preceded him in death and not been able to reunite with him someday when the Lord takes him home.

Bless be the Tie that binds us, my new-found friend, Rose.

10:46 AM  

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