Tuesday, October 24, 2006


It’s really getting hard to talk these days. Or write. Whichever the case may be.

Every time I turn around and get to following somebody’s point. Somebody says they are talking about scarecrows, bluefish or some other thing. I think to myself, is it me? I thought that writer was talking about a black hole and low and behold, it ain’t a black hole, it’s a red herring. Now I have enough trouble staying on point and not chasing rabbits (that means going down another trail from which you were on before getting back on the trail of where you were in the first place.) Uh….where was I?

Oh, yeah, diversions and rabbits. Staying on point without having to worry about every hole I go crawling into being turned into Alice and Wonderland’s opportunity of a Tea Party set for five. (Was that author really doing LSD when he wrote that?)

And I dare say that most "pastors" (note I say most, not all) haven’t got time to be bantering about strawmen when they are talking about tinmen, cause they need to be out fishing for those bluefish, not baiting folks with fake worms trying to catch eastcoast crabs with red herrings.

(Did you know that catfish feed on the scum from the bottom of the river in the Potomac? I grew up alongside of that river and it is a folktale that George Washington threw a silver dollar across that river. My brothers tried to do that once and they got to fighting over that tale and mama set them straight with a pumpknot on their heads. {case ya’ll don’t know what a pumpknot is, it is a knuckle planted squarely on top of the tender part of your head with a quick pump action like on a rifle that The Rifleman used (I’m telling my age now) and it raises up a huge knot on your noggin. [which is simply your scalp]). Where was I? Oh yeah.

Anyway, I have some really good pastor friends (more than one) who just wanta dialog about theology cause we pewgals are so bloody ignorant that they can’t possibly dialog with us. And they wanta do it in a civilized [without bickering, name-calling and turning their noses up at folks] fashion. [manner, way]

They wanna do it [dialog] without word-twisting, [turning everyone's words around to mean something they don't mean] in good humor, without judgement,[thinking they are better than somebody else] mudslinging, name-calling and fear of someone dumping every word they ever wrote into a huge cauldron and serving it up as their character, viewpoint and integrity.

Ever looked at one of them pictures that when ya look at it, you see two different pictures, depending on whether you focus most on the black print or the white surface? Sometimes ya see a young woman in a fancy feather hat, sometimes ya see an old hag? (kinda sounds like me before I get dressed on Sunday morning, now that I think about it)

Anyway, in case ya haven’t gotten the point of this blog, I’ll give you my point. Bluefish are better than red herrings. And tinmen have bigger hearts than strawmen. And strawmen, though filled with "scholarly" OZ-induced mentality, are still simply scarecrows with big black birds perched on their shoulders cawing and crowing the same old songs while leaving white trails of stuff all over that poor straw-stuffed man’s patched Tennessee jeans.

And just in case you stop by to read my lowly little post, let me conclude with this. I’m just a diversion. Like the title of my blog says. I’m writing this in honor of all the tinmen, bluefish and diversified folks who need a bit of humor or stupidity for a moment. I don’t know about you, but I’ve laughed my head off. Cause, for the life of me I have no idea what I just said. And I guess that’s all that matters with a diversion, anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! You're toooo funny Selah! Amazingly, or maybe it would be scarily (hmm...is that a word) I understand what you are saying. :)

Hugs to you!

8:46 AM  
Blogger SelahV said...

ThisIsTheDay: Thanks so much for your encouraging comment. I needed that today. I wrote that blog yesterday after driving 2 hours round-trip to have lunch with my son's two daughters. (It's such a joy to see them at school.)

Today, (Having gone back and re-read what I posted yesterday) I have to confess that I, too, understand what I wrote. As a matter of fact, I think I was on point (pun intended) completely. And given the current atmosphere on the news between Red and Blue entities which will be decided in a couple of weeks, I think my blog could have a far diverse audience than I had intended for it to have. Sure hope that come the first week of Turkey Month doesn't encourage the Blue High Priestest in the slightest for the year oh-eight. That said, I need to get to work on some other blogs I feel compelled to write in light of the storms I see forcasted on the horizon. Plus, I have a tad bit of clean-up from an aftermath of a tornado that seems to have lost it's power. No one can even get into that territory because the lines of communication have been cut off by the main source. No matter, God will get me in to that trash heap. He'll get it cleared up soon. selahV

10:09 AM  

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