Monday, October 30, 2006


I heard a cute joke the other day. A scientist was arguing with God that he, too, could create a man such as God did. God took the challenge. The scientist reached down and scooped up some dirt. Then God said, "Oh no. Get your own dirt."

Remember Lucifer when he thought he was smarter than God? Down he went. And along went a bunch of his buddies, too. Now all around us, he lurks. Oh, he thinks he is cunning and clever. And yes, he is able to twist our words, and misinterpret our sentences to others in the world so we are all caught in a gnat's frenzy. But, he's not got much of a future. Not one I want anyway.

And remember those folks trying to build a tower to heaven? God whops them on the head and causes them to lose their ability to communicate with each other. Scatters them like I use to do ants building ant-hills around their holes because a storm was brewing in the air. (Now how do you suppose ants know it's gonna rain? Even weathermen can't figure that out.)

I tune into the news and listen to those folks discuss how to solve this problem and that. I see them pointing fingers and slinging mud. I watch them dig for dirt where there is stains leftover from spring-cleaning a closet in 1962. And they think they have a market on ideas. On what this politician or that politician ought to do. They even--in this country of separation of church and state--try to tell Christians how they ought to behave. Like a heathen should advise a child of God of anything. My mind floats in bubbles bred from swamp water. It's too much to comprehend.

Why do people suppose they are smarter than God? With all the debates and dialog regarding God's Sovereignty and ability to save whomever, whenever and however, some bloggers are actually suggesting God is powerless. I actually read that question on a site recently. Paraphrased they asked, 'if so and so believes that, and so and so believes this, then doesn't that make God powerless?' That must have been a rhethorical question, don't ya think? The kind the preacher asks in the pulpit, but to which he really doesn't expect a response?

Surely NO ONE thinks God is powerless to do ANYTHING, do they? I mean, other than atheists who don't even acknowledge there is a God, yet keep arguing about Something (matter, theory, or idea) that doesn't exist. If something (Christian's God) is non-existent, then that something is nothing. And if nothing consists of nothing, then why do Atheist's fear ignorant people who call themselves Christians praying to Nothing--which in my belief is truly Something. The Almighty Something that created all there is from Nothing. Now that is Something, don't ya think? [copyrighted 2006 SelahV]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great points Selah. You do have a way with words!

7:37 PM  
Blogger SelahV said...

Dearest Rose, Actually...words have their way with me. They dance around in my thoughts and bang on the walls of my mind until I let them out. But thank you for your encouragement. selahV

8:33 PM  
Blogger peter lumpkins said...


So, my SelahV. I thought you did not make the trek down into the valley of philosophy? Your post is all about Being and Non-Being, a favorite philosophical mindgame with the professionals.

I think, at least from my perspective, you have been holding out on us. The old word is "hustled."

Good post! With that, I am...


3:26 AM  
Blogger SelahV said...

Peter: Kinda reminds you of the Jerry Seinfeld shows. It germinated from an idea that the show would be about nothing. And the whole world tuned in to watch nothing and made it the most popular sitcom on TV.
So was the show really about nothing?
Don't think so. Because the group of dysfunctional New Yorkers, whose antics and dialogs made up the content of the show, consisted of something. Even if they were talking about nothing. Which turned out to be quite something. Though, personally, I didn't watch anything, cause I don't like watching shows about nothing unless they have something to say. Which Seinfeld didn't in my lowly little mindless opinion.
HUSTLED? know me better than that. selahV

5:01 AM  

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